Biden says 'no time to waste' on COVID relief bill

He made brief remarks Saturday after the House passed the legislation.

This is Day 40 of the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.


Biden issues major disaster declaration for Oklahoma

Biden issued a major disaster declaration for Oklahoma in the wake of winter storms in the U.S. south. The declaration covers 16 counties in Oklahoma and allows increased federal funding for recovery.

On Saturday, Biden issued a major disaster declaration for Texas, which freed up funds to aid recovery efforts after the storms left millions without power. The president is set to visit Texas on Friday to see relief efforts and visit a vaccine distribution facility.

-ABC News' Sarah Kolinovsky

GOP finds risky form of unity in opposing COVID relief bill: The Note

The Republican Party is both less divided and more divided than it seems at the moment -- and not in ways that glide along the easiest political paths.

On the question of former President Donald Trump, the GOP is less divided than a colorful House leadership news conference might make it seem. The party still belongs primarily to Trump, as the CPAC gathering that begins Thursday in Florida will demonstrate.

On the question of President Joe Biden's agenda, there's actually more GOP dissension than meets the eye. The first floor votes on Biden's COVID-19 package are coming Friday in the House, yet united Republican opposition in Congress doesn't align with public polling on the topic.

Among the public at large, Biden and his COVID plans are considerably more popular than Trump and opposing COVID relief, at least for now. But Republican lawmakers appear to fear more political blowback in opposing Trump than voting "no" on COVID bills.

-ABC News Political Director Rick Klein

Vilsack sworn in as agriculture secretary via Zoom

Tom Vilsack was sworn in as the secretary of agriculture Wednesday evening in a ceremony the vice president said was her first via Zoom.

Harris was in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building with a pool of journalists and Vilsack appeared on a large screen with his family.

"Congratulations, Mr. Secretary and to the whole family," Harris said after he was sworn in. "The president is so excited. We've got a lot of work to do and we'll do it together."

Vilsack is returning to a role he held in the Obama administration for eight years. He previously served two terms as Iowa's governor.

He was confirmed on Tuesday by a vote of 92-7.

Biden reverses Trump proclamation restricting immigration during pandemic

Biden has reversed former President Donald Trump's presidential proclamation restricting immigration during the COVID-19 pandemic citing the economy, saying it does not advance the interests of the United States.

"To the contrary, it harms the United States, including by preventing certain family members of United States citizens and lawful permanent residents from joining their families here. It also harms industries in the United States that utilize talent from around the world. And it harms individuals who were selected to receive the opportunity to apply for, and those who have likewise received, immigrant visas through the Fiscal Year 2020 Diversity Visa Lottery," Biden wrote in a proclamation of his own.

-ABC News' Molly Nagle

Republican senators press Garland on politics, gun rights, death penalty

Biden's pick for attorney general, Merrick Garland, was questioned by Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, about his views on the Second Amendment right to bear arms. Garland cited Supreme Court precedent saying the right to bear arms in his belief is one that is "subject to some limitations," citing former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. He wouldn't answer directly whether he supports "universal background checks" for all firearms owners but said that he believed it is important for checks to ensure that people like felons or other potentially dangerous individuals are not permitted to buy guns.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, used his line of questioning to raise concerns about the Justice Department being "politicized and weaponized" under the Obama Administration and cited former Attorney General Eric Holder's comments that he saw himself as a "wingman" to former President Barack Obama. Asked whether Garland viewed himself as a "wingman" to Biden, Garland said he didn't want to comment on any of his predecessors but said he "could assure you that I do not regard myself as anything other than a lawyer for the people of the United States."

When asked about the federal death penalty, Garland said the death penalty gives him "great pause" because of the racial disparity and number of exonerations that come from death penalty cases.

"I have had a great pause about the death penalty. I am very concerned about the large number of exonerations that have occurred through DNA evidence and otherwise, not only in death penalty convictions, but also in other convictions, I think, a terrible thing occurs when somebody is convicted of a crime that they did not commit," Garland said.

-ABC News' Luke Barr