Biden says 'no time to waste' on COVID relief bill

He made brief remarks Saturday after the House passed the legislation.

This is Day 40 of the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.


Biden, Harris lead moment of silence

Following his brief speech, Biden, first lady Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff walked out to the South Portico at the White House where candles were lit and displayed on the steps for the moment of silence.

Earlier, the National Cathedral rang its bells to honor the more than 500,000 Americans who died from the coronavirus.

"I received a letter from a daughter whose father died of COVID-19 on Easter Sunday last year," Biden said before the ceremony. "She and her children, his grandchildren, enter Lent this season, a season of reflection and renewal, with heavy hearts. Unable to properly mourn, she asked me in the letter, what was our loss among so many others? Well, that's what has been so cruel."

"So many of the rituals that help us cope, that help us honor those we loved, haven't been available to us. The final rites, with family gathered around, the proper home going, showered with stories and love, tribal leaders passing out the final traditions of sacred cultures on sacred lands," he continued. "As a nation, we cannot and we must not let this go on. That's why the day before my inauguration ... I said, 'to heal -- to heal, we must remember.' I know it's hard. I promise you, I know it's hard. I remember. But that's how you heal. You have to remember."

Biden honors Americans who died of COVID-19

In remarks ahead of a candlelight ceremony, Biden addressed the nation.

"Today we mark a truly grim, heartbreaking milestone: 500,071 dead," Biden said.

"That's more lives lost to this virus than any other nation on Earth. But as we acknowledge the scale of this mass death in America, remember each person and the life they lived," he continued.

"We often hear of people described as 'ordinary Americans.' There's no such thing. There's nothing ordinary about them. The people we lost were extraordinary. They spanned generations. Born in America, immigrated to America, but just like that, so many of them took their final breath alone in America," Biden said. "As a nation, we can't accept such a cruel fate. While we've been fighting this pandemic for so long, we have to resist becoming numb to the sorrow. We have to resist viewing each life as a statistic or a blur or on the news. We must do so to honor the dead, but equally important, care for the living, those they left behind -- for the loved ones left behind."

$1.9T COVID relief package moves a step closer to Senate consideration

The House is one step closer to sending the White House's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package to the Senate after the bill advanced through the House Budget Committee Monday. The committee favorably reported the proposal to the full House in a near-party line 19-16 vote.

"We are in a race against time," House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth, D-Ky., said. "Aggressive, bold action is needed before our nation is more deeply and permanently scarred by the human and economic costs of inaction."

Republicans decried the price tag for the package and accused Democrats of using the pandemic as an excuse to pass key agenda items, including the $15 an hour minimum wage increase.

-ABC News' Benjamin Siegel

Biden, Harris to honor 500,000 American lives lost to COVID-19

The president issued a proclamation following the U.S. recording 500,000 deaths from COVID-19 and he noted that this means more Americans have now died from the virus in one year, compared to in World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War combined.

At 6 p.m., Biden will deliver remarks on the more than 500,000 lives lost to COVID-19 and then he, Harris and their spouses will observe a moment of silence and hold a candle-lighting ceremony at sundown.

In addition, Biden ordered flags lowered to half-staff on federal property for the next five days.

Earlier Monday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told ABC New Chief White House Correspondent Cecilia Vega that the administration is still working to undo the "inherited" circumstances of the pandemic, taking a swipe at the Trump administration.

"Our focus is on building out of the hole that we inherited," Psaki said.

-ABC News' Sarah Kolinovsky and Justin Gomez

Schumer 'begged' Dems to vote for COVID-19 relief bill

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, in a remarkably candid moment, told reporters that during a closed-door lunch with his caucus Tuesday, he made a strong pitch for them to set aside differences over specific policies like the minimum wage hike and just vote for the president's COVID-19 relief bill.

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., then went a bit further after Schumer left the room and said the majority leader had "begged" his members to drop their opposition, emphasizing that the relief bill is Biden's signature legislation, and they need to stick together.

"He's begging all of us -- despite disagreements people may have -- this is the Administration's signature bill...And we need to stick together," Durbin recounted.

Some moderate Democrats like Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., and Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., have expressed concern about a $15 per hour minimum wage hike included in $1.9 trillion relief proposal. Manchin said an $11 an hour increase would be more appropriate for his state.

Republicans have hammered Democrats for forcing the increase on businesses suffering under the economic strains of the pandemic, but supporters of the wage increase -- a doubling of the current federal minimum wage -- note that the Biden plan is implemented over a five-year period.

GOP Sens. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Utah's Mitt Romney introduced a plan Tuesday that would increase the minimum wage to $10 per hour by 2025 with a mandatory requirement that businesses implement E-Verify to ensure undocumented workers do not receive the increase.

The GOP proposal is not expected to be adopted as Democrats speed toward passage of the overall Biden plan.

-ABC News' Trish Turner