Maine 2022 midterm election results

Trump-backed former Gov. Paul LePage is up against incumbent Gov. Janet Mills.

Maine voters head to the polls on Tuesday to cast their ballots in several key races including for governor, the U.S. Senate and House and other local and statewide races.

Polls open starting at 6 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. ET.

Maine utilizes ranked-choice voting in primaries for all federal, statewide and state legislature offices. (Ranked-choice voting is only used for federal offices during general elections as of May 2022.)

If no candidate receives 50% of the first-choice votes, the last-place candidate is removed and any ballots with that removed candidate listed as first preference have their second preference candidate elevated instead. The race is then re-tabulated to determine whether a candidate has reached 50%. This process of removing a last-place candidate and re-tabulating results then repeats for another “round” until a candidate reaches the 50% threshold.

House Election

Governor Election

State significance

If Republican former Gov. Paul LePage gets voted back into the seat, he’d be the longest-serving governor after having held the position for longer than eight years through nonconsecutive terms.

Trump-backed LePage is up against incumbent Democratic Gov. Janet Mills who is the current favorite as she polls and fundraises ahead of him.

The two political foes are up for a contentious fight for a seat that has recently shifted further left. They have deep and contentious shared history, dating back to when Mills served as Maine’s attorney general for much of LePage’s two terms as governor.

Physician Sam Hunkler, an independent, will be on the ballot for the general, too.

Counties are colored red or blue when the percent of expected vote reporting reaches a set threshold. This threshold varies by state and is based on patterns of past vote reporting and expectations about how the vote will report this year.