Maine Elector Says He's Switching His Vote From Clinton to Sanders

Many were wondering if Republican electors would switch from Trump.

His attempt to cast his first vote for Sanders was ruled out of order by the Electoral College president, and then Bright cast his second ballot for Clinton. That was accepted.

His attempt to change his vote goes against state laws, but unlike in other states, there is no financial penalty for the move.

"I cast my vote for Bernie Sanders not out of spite, or malice, or anger, or as an act of civil disobedience. I mean no disrespect to our nominee. I cast my vote to represent thousands of Democratic Maine voters – many less than a third my age – who came into Maine politics for the first time this year because of Bernie Sanders."

There was another elector, Muhammad Abdurrahman from Minnesota, who was replaced after making it clear that he would not be voting for Clinton even though she won the state. Such a move goes against state laws, the Minnesota secretary of state's office confirmed. It is not clear who Abdurrahman tried to vote for instead of Clinton.

In spite of these two attempts and another reported attempt in Colorado, Clinton has not lost any electoral votes so far.

Before electors began meeting this morning, ABC News had identified only one pledged to Trump who said he was not going to vote for the president-elect.

That elector, Chris Suprun from Texas, on ABC News' "Nightline" this week, referred to the Russian hacking and said he was "concerned when a foreign government intrudes on our elections."