Maine Gov. LePage Says Drug Dealers Have Names Like 'D-Money' and 'Impregnate...White Girl[s]'

Many are classifying the Maine Governor's comments as racist.

“Incidentally, half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave, which is a real sad thing because then we’ve got another issue we have to deal with down the road," he continued.

In the wake of the remarks, a spokesman for the governor told ABC News Thursday that LePage was not talking about race and that “race is irrelevant” to the case he is making.

"The Governor is not making comments about race. Race is irrelevant,” Communications Director Peter Steele told ABC News in an email. ”What is relevant is the cost to state taxpayers for welfare and the emotional costs for these kids who are born as a result of involvement with drug traffickers.”

Christie’s campaign has not responded to a request for comment from ABC News.