Marco Rubio Laughs Off Donald Trump’s ‘Care Package’

The Trump campaign sent Rubio’s Washington office a special care package.

On Monday, the Trump campaign sent Rubio’s Washington office a special care package, with 24 bottles of water with Trump’s face on them and the words “Trump Ice Natural Spring Water.” Also in the care package: two “Make America Great Again” towels, bumper stickers, and a note reading, “Since you’re always sweating, we thought you could use some water. Enjoy!”

“Apparently the water is very high quality water. It’s top notch water that he sent us,” Rubio said Tuesday morning on NBC. “So we’re grateful for the gift.”

In 2013, Marco Rubio’s State of the Union response went viral after he interrupted his speech to chug some water.

Rubio and his team embraced the event. At one point, they were even trying to raise money off of it, selling signed water bottles online.

Now Rubio always has a bottle of water handy on the campaign trail. At an event in Cedar Falls this week, he showed Fox News his “speech routine.”

“Water for my throat, especially. It starts to hurt at the end of the day for some reason,” said Rubio. “Especially on a lot of planes."

This isn’t the first time Trump has attacked Rubio for getting too thirsty or sweating too much. Following the second GOP debate, Trump said of Rubio “he sweats more than any young person I've ever seen in my life.”

Rubio responded by joking, “I really want to take a sip of water but, Donald Trump will make fun of me!”

Asked on Tuesday how he felt about Trump’s prank care package, Rubio seemed to imply he was unimpressed.

“I don’t know. It is what it is,” he told Fox. “I drink water. So what? And I only sweat when it’s hot.”