Marco Rubio: 9 Things You Didn't Know About Him

Rubio hates the Bee Gees and his wife was a Miami Dolphins cheerleader.

July 20, 2012 -- The political world is on high alert as speculation continues that Mitt Romney could announce his pick for vice president in the coming weeks.

ABC News has ranked the contenders, and in the top tier are Ohio Sen. Rob Portman and former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty, followed by Senators Kelly Ayotte and Marco Rubio, Congressman Paul Ryan, and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal in the second tier.

Earlier this week we brought you a list of nine things you might not know about Rob Portman and Tim Pawlenty, and now we're moving on to that second tier. Today's candidate is Marco Rubio, the freshmen senator from Florida.

1.) Rubio's wife, Jeanette, is a former Miami Dolphins cheerleader.

2.) He is Catholic, but was baptized in the Mormon faith when he was 8 and remained in the church for several years.

3.) He's a graduate of University of Florida and University of Miami Law school and he's still paying off his student loans.

4.) He's one of the least wealthy members of the Senate. His net worth is negative $400,000 because of his student loans and a large mortgage on his home.

5.) He was a bundler for John McCain's presidential campaign in 2008. According to the Center for Responsive Politics he brought in between $50,000 and $100,000.

6.) He hates the 70's musical group the Bee-Gees and he loves Nicki Minaj.

7.) He was offered a football scholarship at Tarkio College in Missouri out of high school, where he attended for a year before transferring to Santa Fe Community College, and ultimately graduating from U. Florida.

8.) His first job was to build cages for exotic birds for brother-in-law's company.

9.) He teaches political science on Mondays and Fridays at Florida International University in Miami.