Matthew Dowd and LZ Granderson Discuss the Democratic Debate

Matthew Dowd and LZ Granderson talk about the issues and the candidates.

The GOP debates resulted in huge gains for some candidates, particularly Carly Fiorina. What do the candidates have to do to prove themselves in this debate?

Joe Biden. No one knows if the vice president will actually run. CNN reserved a podium for him just in case. Will he declare his candidacy?

LZ: I’m still holding onto no. He’s enjoying the attention and the adoration but he’s asking himself, 1) do I want to do that for a fourth time, but also 2) is the country tired of Obama? Because if they’re tired of Obama they’re going to be tired of me because there’s no way I can separate myself. MD: I leaned in the direction I thought he would run. If he decided he wasn’t running he would have said something. It would only be fair to those candidates to take himself off the table. I wouldn’t be surprised if by early next week, maybe Sunday, he decides to get in. I think a lot of it depends on tonight. LZ: Joe is definitely more likable than all of them and if there is a reason why he’s thinking about it it's because he knows he has that in his pocket. Even if he decides the country is tired of the Obama administration, but they still have Joe, he might decide to jump in.

Unlike Biden, likability issues – and her email server - seem to be plaguing front-runner Hillary Clinton: