McMaster needs Senate confirmation because he's a 3-star general

Military rules will require Senate confirmation if he keeps his rank.

The rule has nothing to do with the White House, but rather the military: all three and four-star generals must receive Senate confirmation whenever they seek to change jobs.

What does this mean for McMaster?

But that doesn't necessarily mean McMaster has to go through the confirmation gauntlet.

Those were the options Powell faced. In the end, as he wrote in his memoir, "My American Journey," he chose to keep his higher ranking and go through confirmation.

"The post of national security adviser did not require Senate confirmation. But as a three-star general, I would have to be confirmed for any job in order to hold on to my rank. If I dropped back to two stars, I could be appointed without Senate confirmation. But I was not eager to be demoted in the Army so that I could be promoted in a civilian post," he wrote.

It's not clear how many committee hoops McMaster would have to jump through if he decides to stay a lieutenant general. Committee aides would not yet comment on whether they would require a hearing, if McMaster chooses to remain a three-star general, given that the position does not otherwise require one.

The White House has not yet returned ABC News' request for more information.