Meet 5 Republican Delegates Heading to the RNC in Cleveland

From longtime Trump supporters to more recent converts.

— -- The breakdown of the delegates became a closely watched sport during the presidential primaries.

Now these delegates are heading to vote at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland which formally starts tomorrow.

Katie Frost: Worked Closely With the Cruz Campaign

Katie Frost is one of the delegates who is not pleased about Trump winning the nomination.

Frost, 24, was a travel aide for Cruz and traveled with the Cruz family in 13 states. For her, politics are personal. Her grandfather was a page at the 1968 Republican convention, and her other grandfather and father were delegates at the 1988 convention in New Orleans.

That convention was a particularly important one for her family, since that's where her dad took her mom out for their first date.

Frost, who is currently single, said that her mother isn't pushing her to repeat history.

"She's like 'Oh no, no, no! These national conventions ... I know what happens!'" Frost joked to ABC News.

This will be Frost's second convention trip, and she's expecting a far different tone both inside and outside the convention hall.

"Normally delegates are cheerleaders. We're here to applaud and be excited about our nominee and get fired up, but a good portion of the delegates there will not be excited about Donald Trump as the nominee," she said.

She added: "I think you could potentially see tempers flare on the floor of the convention, depending on what happens with the rules committee."

Luke Elliott: Thinking About Bringing a Bat With Him

Another young delegate is preparing for possible violence.

Luke Elliott, 19, is a rising sophomore at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. This is his first trip to a convention and he thinks "there will be a lot of protesters."

As a result, he's thinking about bringing a baseball bat with him. "The security going into the convention [hall] will be top notch, but the issue is going to be when the delegates go back to their state hotels because there's not enough security for all 50 state delegations," Elliott told ABC News.

Elliott, a business major, got involved in politics this past year and started working with his school's chapter of College Republicans.

"I cannot actively campaign for a man who has talked down to so many people, but unfortunately, I think he is a better option than Clinton even though he's a horrible man," Elliott said.

Part of his aversion to Trump is based on religious grounds. "As a Christian, I am shocked that so many good Christians that I know have voted for a man that said that he has never asked for forgiveness from God," Elliott said, referencing comments made during an event in Iowa in July 2015.

Alex Triantafilou: Home State Supporter

Alex Triantafilou is a "life-long Ohioan" and has had a stake in the convention well before the presumptive nominee was picked.

Triantafilou, 45, is the Hamilton County GOP chairman and helped lead the effort to have his hometown of Cincinnati host the convention. He told ABC News that "if it couldn't be Cincinnati," Cleveland is the next best substitute.

"We've been openly supporting Donald Trump since he became the presumptive nominee," he said of the Hamilton County GOP.

This will be Triantafilou's fourth convention. "Overall I'm excited to see what this convention is going to be like ... I suspect that Donald Trump will put his own unique mark on the convention," he said.

Alyssa Selogie: A Trump Supporter Excited About Sporting Patriotic Shoes

Alyssa Selogie is taking the saying "voting with your feet" very seriously. The 30-year-old digital marketing consultant has a passion for shoes -- and conservatism.

“I decoupaged over a majority of the shoe and then I crafted basically a pistol as the heel,” she told ABC News.

Though this is Selogie’s first time being elected as a delegate, that’s not for a lack of trying: She supported Rick Perry in 2012 but her bid to be a delegate ended when Perry suspended his campaign.

This time around, “I just found myself aligned with him on more and more issues,” she said of Trump.

Selogie is looking forward to wearing her shoes in a way that she can’t necessarily do at home.

“I do live in downtown LA, which is a heavily Democratic district, so I wouldn’t walk around wearing my Trump hat,” she said.

Kelly Yaede: A Concerned Mayor Looking to the Future

For Kelly Yaede, the mayor of Hamilton, New Jersey, this election is one that will determine the path of our country for generations to come.

“Every decision I make as mayor, I take into account how I want to leave our town for future generations and I truly believe Donald Trump is cognizant of how the United States should be left for future generations,” she said.

Yaede, 47, admits that she doesn’t always see eye-to-eye with Trump but feels that “no one can say they agree with an elected official on everything.”

"When Donald Trump first came into the race, at first you think, 'This is going to be interesting,'" she told ABC News.

As the campaign continued, "I started to realize that he was touching into a sentiment that was being felt across the country," she explained.

In May, Yaede spoke in support of Trump at a rally billed as a fundraiser for Trump-surrogate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

That was the only formal event at which she has spoken in support of Trump, and while she is believes that he can win, there is a specific image she hopes he will portray at the convention.

"I want to see Donald Trump be a statesman," she said. "We need the leader. We need level-headed dialogue on the issues. Americans need to see it."