Melissa McCarthy returns to 'Saturday Night Live' to reprise Sean Spicer role

Alec Baldwin also returned to host the show for the 17th time.

During the show's cold open, McCarthy's gum-chewing Spicer ruled over a press briefing, during which dolls are used -- in a condescending manner -- to explain talking points to reporters.


"And then there is some light terrorism this week, when Nordtrom decided to stop selling Ivanka Trump's line of clothing and accessories," says McCarthy's Spicer. "And that's Nordstrom's loss. Because these are high, high, quality products."

McCarthy's Spicer then shows he is wearing pieces from the collection. "In fact I'm wearing one of her bangles right now. It's beautiful, it's shimmery, it's elegant," says McCarthy's Spicer, as a home shopping-esque screen pops up. "Its 39.99? It is unbelievably affordable. OK?."

The clincher? When McCarthy's Spicer lifts his leg and reveals he's wearing a pair of heels. "And don't even get me started on her shoes," he shouts.



He asks, "By breaking into my apartment?"

"What am I supposed to do? You weren't answering my calls. You changed your number. I'm not going to be ignored, Jake," McKinnon's Conway says in a devious manner.


In another sketch, Baldwin's Trump heads to the TV court show "The People's Court," where he brings in a character witness: Russian leader Vladimir Putin, played by cast member Bennett.

Baldwin's Trump tells the judge that Putin is "someone who's known me for years. He's family. He is an in credible person with impeccable credentials, Mr. Vladimir Putin."

Bennett's Putin then enters the courtroom, and tells the court, "Everybody, come on. Lay off President Trump, OK? This man is great friend. He is my little American Happy Meal. He'd do anything for you. Go against his own country to make you happy. OK? We good here? Cool, alright. See you tomorrow at Mar-a-Lago, baby."


And toward the end of the show, a sketch focuses on cast member Leslie Jones' ambitions to play Trump -- complete with the dark suit, red tie and blond wavy hair.