Mike Huckabee Advises Ben Carson to 'Search on My Biography' for Foreign Policy Experience

"Most people don't realize how much experience governors have," Huckabee said.

“When I was governor, I conducted trade missions, signed deals with international corporations and heads of state."

Huckabee served as governor of Arkansas from 1993 to 2006, as a pastor and Arkansas' lieutenant governor before that, and, more recently, as a television and radio host and commentator.

"Most people don’t realize how much experience governors have in their official capacity," Huckabee, 60, said, "but I’ve been traveling around the world and dealing with world leaders and know many of the world leaders in the Middle East on a first-name basis.

“So, I’ve been to Israel I think over 40 times, most other parts of the Middle East repeatedly, so I think I understand full well what some of those key issues are."

Carson acknowledged on "Good Morning America" today that "people feel that I don’t have foreign policy experience," but he challenged "the narrative that only politicians can fix this."

Huckabee, asked today to name his biggest foreign policy achievement, cited “signing multinational deals with companies like Toyota.”

Huckabee also said spending time in Israel has given him "a better handle on understanding how much extent the Israelis go to try to protect innocent life, even beyond what Americans do."