Mitt Romney Records Robocalls for Ted Cruz

Romney recorded the calls ahead of Tuesday's nominating contests.

In the calls, first reported by The Daily Caller, Romney encourages voters in Arizona and Utah to support Cruz. A call targeting Arizona voters was released today and another call will begin ringing in Utah homes tomorrow. Both Utah and Arizona will hold nominating contests tomorrow.

The calls follow a Facebook post released late last week in which Romney revealed he would be supporting Cruz in the Utah caucuses. Romney, the former Republican presidential nominee, has been a prominent face in the efforts by Republicans to stop Trump.

Romney’s support of Cruz has drawn the ire of Trump, who publicly questioned Romney’s Mormon faith. Cruz has not commented on the calls recorded by Romney but spoke glowingly over the weekend of Romney and defended him from Trump’s attacks.

Cruz continued: "And Donald Trump’s response was to come to Utah and to question Mitt Romney’s faith. It truly was stunning."