Former Navy SEAL Probed for Possibly Releasing Classified Details of Bin Laden Raid

Robert O'Neill claimed in November that he shot bin Laden.

Details of the investigation were first reported Tuesday by The Daily Beast.

It is unclear how long the investigation has been underway and who allegedly received the recipients of the classified information he may have provided about the raid.

There have also been suggestions that an unidentified third SEAL who participated on the mission may have been the one who fired the fatal shot that killed bin Laden.

Bissonnette has been under investigation by the Defense Department since his book came out. At issue was whether he violated non-disclosure agreements he signed while on active duty about his participation in classified missions.

Details of the raid were confirmed by U.S. officials shortly after it occurred. The raid itself was dramatized in the 2012 movie "Zero Dark Thirty."

O'Neill left the Navy in 2012 and now works as a motivational speaker.