Newspapers and Voters Choose Different Republican Candidates for President

Kasich has received numerous newspaper endorsements, but does it matter?

The impact of these endorsements on voters remains unclear. James Snyder, a professor of history and political science at Harvard University, who has studied newspaper endorsements in American elections, told ABC News he was unaware “of any studies that show convincingly that endorsements matter in presidential elections, or in other types of elections.”

But certain well-placed endorsements, like that from a liberal-leaning paper for a Republican who wants to appear moderate, can make a difference, according to Jonathan Ladd, an associate professor of public policy at Georgetown University.

For Kasich, the endorsements could validate him as a viable alternative to Trump, Ladd told ABC News. “It helps him be noticed and be able to say, ‘I’m not a fringe candidate, I have a real chance of winning delegates, a real chance of winning primaries,’” Ladd said.

Republican candidates often paint the news media as an enemy, so certain endorsements might not always provide good optics, like when The New York Times, viewed by many conservatives as left-leaning, encouraged readers to vote for Kasich. But Kasich has often spoken of his appeal to Democrats, so the endorsement may have persuaded a particular demographic.

Two weeks later, following disappointing shows in Iowa and New Hampshire, Fiorina dropped out of the race.