What Nikki Haley’s Endorsement May Mean for Marco Rubio

Nikki Haley threw her support behind Marco Rubio, so what does it really mean?

Haley’s nod could be a big boost for Rubio. But other campaigns are putting their own spin on it, suggesting the endorsement could be a double-edged sword for the Florida senator.

Without a doubt, Haley is popular in South Carolina: Her approval rating is 81 percent among Republican primary voters in the state, according to a Winthrop University Poll conducted in December 2015.

And she’s been showering Rubio with praise.

"I wanted somebody with fight. I wanted somebody with passion. I wanted somebody that had conviction to do the right thing, but I wanted somebody humble enough that remembers that you work for all the people,” Haley said Wednesday at a campaign event alongside Rubio in Chapin, South Carolina.

In an interview with Fox News, Rubio acknowledged Haley’s reputation in the Palmetto State was a plus.

“She has built up an incredible reputation here in South Carolina and across the country,” Rubio said.

Cruz’s campaign, which also courted Haley’s endorsement, argued that her backing puts the pressure on Rubio.

“Anything short of a first-place finish in South Carolina for Marco Rubio is a loss,” argued Jason Miller, a senior adviser for Cruz’s campaign, Politico reported.

Nevertheless, the Florida senator said he is honored to have Haley’s support.

"She embodies for me everything that I want the Republican Party and the conservative movement to be about,” he said.

ABC’s Candace Smith contributed to this report.

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