The Note: What the Candidates Are Saying After Colorado



DONALD TRUMP SAYS HE WASN'T MAKING FUN OF REPORTER'S DISABILITY. GOP frontrunner Donald Trump says he wasn't mocking a New York Times reporter's muscular disorder when he made jerking motions seeming to imitate the man's condition during a speech last week, saying Saturday at a rally in Sarasota, Florida, that he was just showing a reporter who was "groveling." "I was very expressive in saying it, and they said that I was mocking him," Trump said. "I would never mock a person that has difficulty. I would never do that. I'm telling you, I would never do it." Trump has insisted that he does not know the reporter, Serge Kovaleski, and was unaware of his condition, ABC's JORDYN PHELPS writes. Kovaleski has disputed Trump's claim and said he was on a first-name basis with the real estate mogul when he covered him for the New York Daily News in the 1980s.

JOHN KASICH REFUSES TO SAY IF HE WOULD SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP AS REPUBLICAN NOMINEE. Ohio Gov.John Kasich would not commit on Sunday to supporting frontrunner Donald Trump as the party's nominee, saying that he did not expect the real estate mogul to win. "I think he's very divisive and I do not believe he will last," Kasich said when asked if he would support Trump if he wins the Republican primary. Kasich pointed to Trump's recent back and forth with The New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski as a reason he won't win the nomination, ABC's BENJAMIN GITTLESON notes. Trump has drawn criticism this week for appearing to mimic Kovaelski's mannerisms, caused by a muscular disorder, which Kasich said Trump "absolutely mocked." "Somebody who divides this country, here in the 21st century, who's calling names of women and Muslims and Hispanics and mocking reporters, and says, 'I didn't do it,' but he did do it, it's just not going to happen," said Kasich.

MARTIN O'MALLEY COMPARES DONALD TRUMP'S LANGUAGE TO FASCISM. Democratic presidential hopeful Martin O'Malley said Sunday night that Republican frontrunner Donald Trump is making "the sort of appeal that historically has often preceded fascism." "Trump says we should be monitoring everyone of the Muslim faith, keeping some kind of registry, maybe even issuing special ID cards," the former Maryland governor said during his remarks at the New Hampshire Democratic Party's annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner. He continued with an unmistakeable Nazi comparison. "Let me ask you this. Who is next? Catholics? Trade unionists? Artists? We've seen this road before, and it does not lead to a good place," he said. After the speech, reporters pressed O'Malley on whether he thought Trump himself was a fascist. O'Malley would not say so explicitly, but said the language Trump uses is similar, ABC's MARYALICE PARKS reports.

CARSON CALLS ON U.S. TO HELP REFUGEES SETTLE IN MIDDLE EAST. Ben Carson said Saturday the United States must do more to help solve the Syrian crisis, but that bringing 25,000 refugees from the conflict to the U.S. will "do nothing." The Republican presidential candidate was in Jordan on Saturday, where he visited a refugee camp and met with medical professionals, humanitarian workers and government officials. Campaign officials told ABC News that Carson was traveling to Jordan on a "fact finding and information gathering mission." "These brave people want nothing more than an end the war in Syria. They want to go back to their lives. We must find a political end to this conflict. Millions of refugees have now been waiting for years for the end of the war to come in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey," Carson said in a statement released to ABC News. According to ABC's KATHERINE FAULDERS, the visit marks the first time one of the 2016 candidates has visited such a camp since the refugee crisis began this year.

HILLARY CLINTON CALLS FOR ADDITIONAL $275 BILLION TO MODERNIZE INFRASTRUCTURE NATIONWIDE. Hillary Clinton unveiled a five-year, $275 billion plan Sunday to rebuild and modernize the nation's infrastructure, which she says will be a "down payment on our future." "To build a strong economy for our future we must start by building strong infrastructure today, and putting you and your members to work," Clinton said. "I have a five-year, $275 billion plan to invest on our infrastructure, create good paying jobs and build the future America deserves. Clinton's plan, which she unveiled at the launch of "Hard Hats for Hillary" at Faneuil Hall in downtown Boston, would include the creation of an infrastructure bank and would be paid for by a "business tax reform," according to her campaign. The release of her plan marks the beginning of her campaign's month-long focus on jobs, ABC's LIZ KREUTZ notes.

TED CRUZ DOES 'PRINCESS BRIDE' IMPRESSION. He's quoted "Jerry Maguire," "The Usual Suspects" and "Scarface" on the campaign trail, but it's clear, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz loves "The Princess Bride" the most. At a church service yesterday in Des Moines, Iowa, the presidential hopeful was prodded by the pastor of Christian Life Assembly of God to offer an impression from his favorite movie. It didn't take much prodding. "I will confess to knowing an awful lot of that movie," Cruz said. Cruz has previously said it's his favorite movie. According to ABC's JESSICA HOPPER, Cruz launched into a two-minute reenactment of a scene that had him acting the parts of four characters made famous by Billy Crystal, Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin and Carol Kane. WATCH:


NEW HAMPSHIRE UNION LEADER ENDORSES CHRIS CHRISTIE. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's struggling presidential bid got a welcome boost this weekend in an endorsement from the New Hampshire Union Leader. "In just 10 weeks, New Hampshire will make a choice that will profoundly affect our country and the world. We better get it right," the newspaper's publisher Joseph McQuaid wrote in the endorsement. "Our choice is Gov. Chris Christie." One of the Granite State's leading newspapers, the Union Leader's endorsement is a significant development for the Christie's campaign, which has so far failed to gain traction in the crowded Republican primary, ABC's JORDYN PHELPS reports. "Gov. Christie is right for these dangerous times," the editorial continued. "He has prosecuted terrorists and dealt admirably with major disasters. But the one reason he may be best-suited to lead during these times is because he tells it like it is and isn't shy about it."


@JTSantucci: Trump this week hits GA, NH, VA, DC, NC and Iowa. Meets with African American Religious leaders tomorrow - cancels planned press conference.

@ryanjreilly: Read the confidential memo Hillary Clinton sent Obama on #Guantanamo: ...

@mattkatz00: @ChrisChristie is texting his way to winning New Hampshire. Great details about endorsement game from @mikiebarb: ...

@GlennThrush: Senate Republicans heart @marcorubio -- or just hate @tedcruz THIS MUCH. A @seungminkim @burgessev joint ...

@bpolitics: In the recording studio with Candy Carson, wife of @RealBenCarson