The Note: Hillary Clinton Talks Trump


--ANOTHER REPUBLICAN TO JUMP IN: Former Virginia governor and unsuccessful 2008 presidential candidate Jim Gilmore plans to announce a presidential run the first week of August, spokesman Dick Leggitt tells ABC News. That's the week of the first GOP presidential debate, which Fox will hold Aug. 6. Gilmore would face steep odds to qualify, even if pollsters included him in time, ABC's CHRIS GOOD notes. Gilmore has been making trips to New Hampshire and will run out of concerns about U.S. military strength, Leggitt said. Currently, 14 Republicans are running for president. With expected announcements by Scott Walker, John Kasich, and now Gilmore, the field will reach 17 by August.

WHAT MARTIN O'MALLEY IS UP TO: Martin O'Malley will be in New Hampshire today where he will "formally unveil his goal of making college debt-free for every student in America within 5 years," according to his campaign. "The Governor will be meeting with students in New Hampshire, where graduates have the most debt out of the any state in the country. The student debt crisis is personal to the Governor. He and his wife took on more than $300k worth of student loan debt to support their daughters," a spokesman told The Note. O'Malley will attend an education event at The New Hampshire Institute of Politics at St. Anselm College in Manchester at 9 am ET. Later, he'll deliver remarks to the Greater Derry Chamber of Commerce at The Haligan Tavern in Derry at 11 am ET. He'll do an interview with WMUR at 1 pm ET in Manchester, meet with the New Hampshire NEA in Concord at 3 pm ET, attend a town-hall at a home in Concord at 5:45 pm ET, and attend a Pints and Politics event at Barley House in Concord at 8:45 pm ET. More on O'Malley's debt-free college plan:


FIVE BERNIE SANDERS SUPERFANS ON WHY THEY LOVE HIM. In the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, Vermont's independent, self-described "Democratic Socialist" senator, Bernie Sanders, has stolen the spotlight. While former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton maintains a double-digit lead in most polls, Sanders has surprised many people -- even himself -- by drawing incredible crowds across the country. So far this election cycle, he holds the record for the most people at one single event (recently in Madison, Wisconsin, 10,000 people turned out) and the largest event in Iowa (in Council Bluffs, 2,500 attended one of his rallies). And earlier this week in Portland, Maine, 7,500 people showed up to see him. Who are all of these people and why do they love Bernie? ABC News spoke to five Sanders superfans. Here are their stories, courtesy of ABC's MARYALICE PARKS:

JOHN KASICH GOES EASY ON DONALD TRUMP (THE GUY WHO MAY KEEP HIM OFF THE DEBATE STAGE). Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who is expected to announce his presidential bid two weeks from yesterday, mostly held his fire when asked about Donald Trump's controversial comments about Mexican immigrants - even though he has every reason to lash out at the real estate mogul. After all, it's Trump who may score a coveted spot on the stage at the first Republican presidential primary debate next month and Kasich who may be left out, ABC's JILL ORNITZ and LOUISE SIMPSON report. "I'm not really thinking about that," Kasich told reporters when asked about the debate on Tuesday at a news conference held at Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington, DC. "I've got other issues that I've got to think about." The first Republican debate is scheduled to take place in Cleveland on August 6, but the host, Fox News, doesn't plan to let every candidate in. The network has said only the top 10 GOP contenders in recent national polls will be allowed to participate. At this moment, it doesn't look like Kasich will make the cut.

--KASICH DECLINED AN OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE A HARD LINE AGAINST TRUMP'S REMARKS ABOUT MEXICAN IMMIGRANTS that have caused a stir on the campaign trail and taken a toll on Trump's business dealings. "I was on a Fox News show the morning after that evening and said that I didn't agree with that characterization," Kasich said. "Look, I'm not directing this to him or anybody else at least for the next couple weeks, I'd like to honor Reagan's 11th commandment of not attacking fellow Republicans." Other candidates like Jeb Bush ("I don't think he represents the Republican Party") and Marco Rubio ("Trump's comments are not just offensive and inaccurate, but also divisive") have not been so kind to The Donald.

THE STORY BEHIND PRESIDENT OBAMA SINGING 'AMAZING GRACE' IN CHARLESTON. President Obama's singing of "Amazing Grace" during the eulogy for Rev. Clementa Pinckney, who was killed last month in a shooting at a Charleston church, has been widely acknowledged as one of the most powerful moments of his presidency. But when he first raised the idea with first lady Michelle Obama and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, it was met with skepticism. "Why on earth would that fit in?" the first lady said in reaction to the idea, according to Jarrett, who was with the Obamas as they departed the White House aboard Marine One on their way to the funeral in South Carolina. Jarrett, who had once before tried unsuccessfully to dissuade the president from singing a line of Al Green's "Let's Stay Together," had a more subdued reaction, ABC's JORDYN PHELPS notes. "Hmmm," Jarrett reacted. The president went on to explain his thinking to Jarrett and the first lady, who had yet to read the president's prepared eulogy, during the helicopter ride. "I think if I sing, the church will sing with me," Obama said, according to Jarrett, who recalled the story during a question answer session at the Aspen Institute's Ideas Festival.


WATCH US SOCCER TEAM REACT TO PRESIDENT OBAMA'S PHONE CALL. It's a good call. President Obama gave a buzz to the US Women's Soccer team Tuesday afternoon following their historic World Cup Victory -- yukking it up with the players and coach, according to a video posted online, ABC's TOM LIDDY notes. In the video, posted on the White House Twitter feed, the President can be seen joking around with the women, who are gathered together listening to the Commander in Chief on speaker phone. "You guys kinda took the suspense out of it," Obama joked to the team, which beat Japan 5-2 on Sunday.


@ZekeJMiller: .@AmericaRising captures @HillaryClinton boarding private jet after iowa events ...

@GlobePolitical: How does a presidential candidate celebrate a 40th wedding anniversary? By campaigning #fitn

@blakehounshell: Ted Cruz has a surrogate problem | John Shinkle/POLITICO

@mattbai: Smart @FrankBruni on Trump's value to the GOP. ...

@tnr: Status update: I'm running for President! By @rebleber: