The Note: Hillary In The Hot Seat


--ANALYSIS -- ABC's RICK KLEIN: Here's the thing about Hillary Clinton reinventions and new directions: They've all been tried before. The latest, per The New York Times, will feature more spontaneity (the scripted kind?), a touch of extra authenticity, and highlight her potential to make history. All worthy goals, though a quarter century in public life and a previous, epic run for president have made surprises harder to achieve than good Chipotle takeout. But she does have some advantages built in that work post-Labor Day. First, having more actual interactions with voters, and having smart reporters ask insightful questions of her, can produce the kinds of moments Clinton needs to produce some excitement. And second, real competition can help. The heating up of the Democratic race can show passions that Clinton backers want to see. If not, there is time left for new directions, again.

--TODAY ON THE TRAIL with ABC's SHUSHANNAH WALSHE: Donald Trump is in New York City, but he's home and off the trail. He will return to Fox News this evening appearing on "The O'Reilly Factor." Jeb Bush is on the "Late Show" with Stephen Colbert. It is also a big Granite State day with Marco Rubio, John Kasich, and Chris Christie all campaigning in New Hampshire. Bobby Jindal is in Iowa while Mike Huckabee is in Grayson, Kentucky attending a rally to support the jailed clerk at the center of that same sex marriage fight, Kim Davis. Ben Carson is in San Francisco where he will give a speech and hold a press conference at the Commonwealth Club. Lindsey Graham is in Washington, DC where he will give a speech on the Iran Deal at the National Press Club.

--NOTED: Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren appears on the season premiere of "The View."



--CHANTS OF 'RUN JOE, RUN' GREET BIDEN: Donning a white polo shirt and a steelworkers hat, Biden kicked off the parade with remarks where he advocated for the middle class. "I'm hot! I'm mad! I'm angry!" Biden said as he talked about leveling the playing field for the middle class. "The tax code's not fair. It's simply not fair. The wealthy aren't paying their fair share," Biden said. One person even interrupted his speech before union workers and encouraged him to run, according to ABC's ARLETTE SAENZ and CECILIA VEGA. Biden said, "You've got to talk to my wife about that. I've got to talk to my wife about that." As Biden wrapped his speech, the crowd broke into chants of "Run Joe Run!"

OBAMA TOUTS PAID SICK LEAVE. Speaking at a Labor Day breakfast in Boston, President Obama unveiled a new executive order that will give federal contractors access to paid sick days. "I believe that working Americans should have the basic security of paid leave," Obama said, noting that only Congress can pass legislation to enact a national paid leave policy, but that he would do what he could to spur action on Capitol Hill and among private sector companies. "Where I can act, I will. And by the way, I just did. As we were flying over here, I signed a new executive order requiring federal contractors to allow employees who work on our contracts to earn up to seven paid sick days a year," he said, according to ABC's ALI WEINBERG.

--THE DETAILS: The executive order Obama signed yesterday gives hundreds of thousands of workers employed by federal contractors access to paid sick leave. The order requires federal contractors to give employees the ability to earn at least seven days (56 hours) of paid sick leave annually. It will give about 300,000 workers new access to paid sick leave, and an additional number of workers the ability to earn more sick leave than they had before, according to ABC's BENJAMIN SIEGEL.

CLINTON 'PROUD' OF OBAMA FOR EXECUTIVE ORDER ON PAID LEAVE. On the campaign trail yesterday, Hillary Clinton praised President Obama for his new executive order on paid leave, ABC's LIZ KREUTZ notes. "I was very proud that President Obama said today he is going to require federal contractors to provide 7 days of earned paid sick leave, and he's going to fight for paid family leave," Clinton said, her voice cracking as she is recovering from her hoarse throat. Clinton, who often discusses paid leave on the campaign trail, mentioned that the issue is "something I've been fighting for 30 years." "We're going to get it done," she said, "It's not okay to treat working people as though they don't have other responsibilities." She went on to call for enforcing labor laws and said, "I'm going to make sure that some employers go to jail for wage theft and all the other abuses that they engage in." Clinton went on to say that Republicans treat "Americans like second class citizens" and said "we've got to make Republicans pay a price at the polls" for it.

SCOTT WALKER FIRES BACK AT OBAMA. After President Obama Monday made a Labor Day themed speech in which he accused Republicans of attacking working Americans, Scott Walker yesterday fired back with a message of his own. "It's clear the president stands with the big government union bosses," Scott Walker told reporters during a media availability at the Pink Cadillac Diner in Rochester. The president alluded to Walker directly -- taking a hit at his infamous CPAC comment earlier this year comparing his experience taking on pro-union protesters to dealing with ISIS. Walker welcomed the opening to respond directly to the president, opening a media availability with his response, according to ABC's JORDYN PHELPS. He went on to make the case that the president and his allies are more concerned about him than any other Republican in the race because of his record on taking on public unions in Wisconsin.


@rupertmurdoch: Looks like Biden already running. Very likely he wins nomination and be hard to beat.

@PhilipRucker: .@ktumulty lays out the new dynamic expected at the 2nd GOP debate. More roller derby than debate, @JWGOP predicts

@tackettdc: The agenda for Congress is large, contentious & on a compressed timetable @jestei

@aebrandenburger: RT @larry_kudlow: New tax reform plan from @JebBush coming out tomorrow. Comprehensive. Pro-growth. All I can say now.

@sbg1: Big look at the Trump effect by @elistokols @politicoalex. Short version: even Iowa won't kill him off ...