The Note: 5 Takeaways From Republicans In The Sunshine State



--REPUBLICANS SEEM TO KNOW THEY HAVE TO MAKE UP GROUND WITH MINORITIES: That was a big emphasis in the party's post-2012 analysis of why Mitt Romney lost to President Obama, and many of the candidates touched on that. "If you want to send the message to those communities [that] we care about you, we care about the future of your children, it's graduate them from high school," Rick Perry said. "My message is not going to vary by group," Walker told reporters after his speech.

--ON ISIS: In this poll, 64 percent make the painful judgment that the U.S.-led war in Iraq was not worth fighting. That's up by 6 points from March 2013 and just 2 points from the broadest rejection of the war on record, 66 percent, at the height of Iraq's sectarian strife in spring 2007.

--ON THE ECONOMY: Eighty-nine percent of Republicans are worried about the condition of the economy over the next few years, as are 74 percent of independents and 64 percent of Democrats.

TODAY ON THE TRAIL with ABC's CHRIS GOOD: Lincoln Chafee announces for president today at George Mason in Arlington, Va., at 5:30 pm ET. Chris Christie is in South Carolina today for a morning town-hall in Greenville at Tommy's County Ham House. Later, he'll take a small-business tour of downtown Greenville and visit Wade's Family Restaurant in Spartanburg. Lindsey Graham is in New Hampshire campaigns in New Hampshire. Martin O'Malley will address the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the National Press Club in Washington, DC at 2 pm ET.

ANALYSIS -- ABC's RICK KLEIN: Enter Lincoln Chafee, the quirky former senator and governor who's never won an election as a Democrat and is extremely unlikely to make the presidency his first. The same sentence might be written for Bernie Sanders, just make if "current senator and former mayor." As for Martin O'Malley, a former mayor and governor who actually is a Democrat, he's going to have to emerge as competitive with Sanders in polls before he can hope to challenge Hillary Clinton. But taken together, Sanders-O'Malley-Chafee is a super candidate (maybe more like an anti-candidate?) that hits Hillary Clinton in some of her softest spots. Sanders provides the contrast on economic issues, Wall Street, and social justice, filling some Elizabeth Warren space. Martin O'Malley makes a generational argument, at least implicitly, and an anti-dynastic argument, more explicitly. And Chafee is providing the unlikely muscle, proving himself the most likely to directly criticize Clinton over foreign policy, starting with an Iraq War vote he says should disqualify her for office. Clinton of course doesn't have to run against this anti-Hillary monster. But its tentacles will felt rather uncomfortably, if these three men have anything to say about it.



OBAMA SIGNS BILL REFORMING NSA SURVEILLANCE POWERS. The Senate passed the USA Freedom Act yesterday -- legislation that reforms the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program -- and last night President Obama signed it. Senators approved the measure 40 hours after key provisions to the PATRIOT Act expired. The NSA shut down its surveillance program late Sunday night after senators failed to reach a deal before the powers expired. Now the NSA will restart its surveillance program, a process that will take an entire day, officials said. ABC's ARLETTE SAENZ reports the USA Freedom Act ends the government's bulk collection of Americans' phone metadata, instead requiring telecommunications companies to maintain the records. There will be a six-month transition period for the government to move its data to the phone companies. Intelligence officials would then need a court order to query the phone database. The bill also restores the "lone wolf" and roving wiretaps provisions, which expired Sunday, until 2019. President Obama indicated he would sign the bill quickly. Patriot Act vs. USA Freedom Act: What You Need to Know in 60 Seconds. WATCH:

BLANKET REDACTIONS TO HILLARY CLINTON'S BENGHAZI RECORDS 'TYPICAL,' ISSA SAYS. Rep. Darrell Issa ripped the State Department on Twitter for heavily redacted records related to Hillary Clinton's involvement in the Obama administration's response to the 2012 Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attacks. However, though Issa suggested the redacted document was sent to the Benghazi Select Committee, which is investigating the circumstances surrounding the attack, the committee actually received an un-redacted version, according to committee aides. ABC's JOHN PARKINSON notes the heavily redacted version Issa tweeted was actually the one publicly posted on the State Department website as part of its release of Clinton's emails as secretary of state last month. "This fifteen-page redacted report is, unfortunately, not a fluke, but a typical example of the kind of petty gamesmanship we've come to expect from the ironically self-proclaimed 'most transparent administration ever,'" Issa, R-Calif., wrote in a statement to ABC News.

LINDSEY GRAHAM WOULD SUPPORT RAND PAUL OVER HILLARY CLINTON 'AFTER I CAME OUT OF MY COMA.' The latest Republican presidential candidate to enter the race, Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., had harsh words for fellow senator and GOP primary opponent Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., over the NSA domestic surveillance program, ABC's ALI DUKAKIS notes. Still, if it came down to it, Graham says he would pick Paul over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if the two faced off in the general election. "Well, when I came out of my coma, I would support Rand Paul," Graham told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on "Good Morning America." "I mean, it would be devastating, I think, for our party to nominate Rand Paul as our nominee on national security, in particular. But if he wins the primary process, I will support him." Graham added, however, "that has very little chance of happening, in my view."


TWO WORLD WAR I SOLDIERS POSTHUMOUSLY AWARDED MEDAL OF HONOR. President Obama posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor to two World War I soldiers yesterday, nearly 100 years after they risked their lives to save their comrades on the battlefields of France. "It has taken a long time for Henry Johnson and William Shemin to receive the recognition they deserve and there are surely others whose heroism is still unacknowledged and uncelebrated," Obama said. Obama said that the soldiers, one Jewish and one African-American, were not recognized during their lifetimes with the nation's highest military honor because of discrimination, ABC's JORDYN PHELPS reports.


@AP: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal to make announcement on 2016 presidential election on June 24:

@mikiebarb: Fantastic & colorful WaPo history of Clinton Foundation:

@politico: The DNC's finance chairman has been raising money for Hillary Clinton, an apparent violation of party rules.

@jmartNYT: .@emilyslist to make Madam President program a women turnout IE for Hillary, is taking over @readyforhillary accts …

@DMRegister: The Register's Editorial: What you think about caucusgoers may be wrong