Obama: 'Heartbreaking' Paris Terror Is Attack 'On All of Humanity'

The president said the U.S. stands in solidarity with France in wake of attack.

— -- The series of terror attacks unfolding in Paris today are attacks "on all of humanity," President Obama said.

"We've seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians," he said. "This is a heartbreaking situation."

Dozens of people have been killed in a series of attacks around Paris, as explosions and gunfire and reports of hostage taking rock the city just ten months after the attacks on the office of a French satirical newspaper and a kosher supermarket.

He was briefed on the attacks this evening by an adviser, he said.

Obama spoke with French President Francois Hollande Friday ahead of the Paris attacks, about the upcoming summit.

He said in his brief remarks he wouldn't immediately reach out to Hollande as events in France continued to unfold.

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