Obama Lights Torch for Hillary Clinton to Carry in Last Day of Campaign Speeches

The presidents stumps for Clinton to the very end.

Speaking to a crowd at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Obama implored the crowd: "Michigan, I ask you to do for Hillary what you did for me. I ask you to carry her the same way you carried me. I ask you to make her better, the same way you made me better."

The president appeared nostalgic as he spoke about what he said will be his last day of campaigning “for a while.”

Obama also decried what he called a “dust cloud of nonsense” driven by people watching certain candidates speak and then parroting that speech on social media.

President Obama gave his second of three campaign speeches today to a crowd of 7,600 inside the Whittemore Center at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, NC. Obama reiterated some of what he had said in Michigan earlier in the day about how many in the crowd were 10 when he was first running.

“This is going to be I think my last big event, I mean we got one in Philly but, you know, Michele is talking there so I won’t get any attention,” he said.

He talked about how important New Hampshire is, despite its small population.

“There are some scenarios where Hillary doesn’t win if she doesn’t win New Hampshire." And he said, “Donald Trump is uniquely unqualified to hold this job and the good news is New Hampshire you are uniquely qualified to make sure he doesn’t get this job.”

“I want you to focus because the choice you face when you step into that voting booth could not be clearer: Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be Commander-in-Chief.”

"If your closest advisers don’t trust you to tweet how can you trust him with the nuclear codes?" Obama said.

Obama ended with a stem winder of a story about a long drive in the rain to a campaign event in South Carolina all those years ago where he was met by, at the most, 20 groggy people. One of those people, though, was a member of the local NAACP and a private detective who woke up the group by saying “FIRED UP, READY TO GO” in a call-and-response chant that became legendary.

“It goes to show you how one voice can change a room. And if it can change a room it can change a city...if it can change a city, it can change a state. And if it can change a state, it can change the nation. It if it can change the nation, it can change the world," President Obama said. "In other words, vote. Everyone’s vote counts.