Obama’s Final Stretch: Advancing Our Dreams

— -- President Barack Obama’s last State of the Union Address isn’t an ending, but a beginning. Instead of the usual end-of-second term victory lap, Obama is, as it were, competing in another Olympic gold-winning event. With seven long, challenging and difficult years behind him, President Obama does not consider himself a lame duck. And he isn't one.

This month revealed a job-creating record, and an overall economic recovery from the Great Recession that’s produced more than 13 million new jobs for 70 consecutive straight months.

The President could give an entire speech just on achievements that annoy conservatives, including the just-passed bi-partisan budget.

Look at how unpopular it was when the President bailed out the auto industry in 2009 -- over Republican’s strong, mocking, opposition. Last week Detroit automakers racked up record profits. It took time. But, this is a President who has always played the long game.

This, and the next President, face intractable events -— matters hard to control or deal with: the turmoil in the Middle East, with roots in divisions from more than a millennium ago; the tremors in the global economy with its origins in China; and the madness of a nuclear North Korea, which predates the last two presidencies.

In spite of it all, the President is running his race flat out to finish unfinished business like gun safety, better health care, debt-free college and career education and Earth-saving climate change And to advance his clear vision and values for a greater country.

So do not look for President Obama to run down a list of past goals. According to senior aides, the President will lay out his world view about completing his 21st Century vision for this country, and what the challenges are for his successor and America.

It is about more than 2016 to him. And — are you listening — what we have seen is that decisions made now will have an impact on where we are in years to come.

Finally, Obama knows the American people need to hear more than the Commander in Chief is doing something to keep them safe. Senior White House aides say President Obama will be out much more, showing them the actions he is taking to defeat ISIS, which has lost half its militia, and 14 percent of its territory at the hands of Obama’s coalition.

Donna Brazile is an ABC News contributor and Democratic strategist. Opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect the views of ABC News.