Pelosi, House Democrats to Travel to Flint on Fact-Finding Mission

The House Minority Leader and two dozen House democrats head to Flint this week.

The trip, which will include members of the Congressional Black and Progressive Caucuses and the Michigan delegation, will help with the ongoing debate in Congress over federal funding proposals to address problems with the city's infrastructure.

Pelosi and the House Democrats will hold a town hall with Flint residents, marking their first time meeting with a large group of members of Congress.

"Our focus is the people of Flint," said Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minnesota, a co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. "Our focus is to listen to these folks, to hear what they have to tell us, and use this information to formulate the best proposal to help them."

But Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wisconsin, said it's "more important that we fix the water than go backwards and assign the blame."