Pelosi: Trump 'would not walk away' from Dreamers

Pelosi talked about DACA recipients on "The View" Friday.

In contrast, she said Trump “is the first president who’s made a departure in a very negative way. It’s unfortunate.”

Specifically, the California congresswoman said it was “heartbreaking” that the Trump administration imposed an Oct. 5 deadline for young immigrants who had been covered under DACA to renew their permits. After that deadline, no DACA recipients have been allowed to renew their protected status. Many missed that deadline.

However, Pelosi said she has confidence that Trump "would not walk away from his support for the Dreamers."

"I think he supports the Dreamers because the American people support the Dreamers," she added.

The pair came to the table with "a list of concerns" and disappointments about Trump's actions, Pelosi said. They were looking for an issue they could work with Trump on as "a confidence builder" so that Democrats could feel it was possible to move forward and work with the president.

“If we can have agreement on this and confidence, then we can do other things,” Pelosi said. “If we don't have that confidence, it will be very hard to do it."

“We have a responsibility to protect our border,” Pelosi said. “We don't have a responsibility to…start a reign of terror by going after families and other people."