'Pink wave' candidates' campaign ads highlight breastfeeding

The “pink wave” includes some candidates breastfeeding in campaign ads

“It was no accident. It’s my life. It’s the reality of working moms — taking care of family, juggling work and getting the job done,” Vignarajah told ABC News. “I hope the ad drives a conversation about the lack of representation in elected office in Maryland and the policy consequences of that lack of diversity.”

Nationally, more than 70 women have thrown their hats in the ring to run for governor, according to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.

In the ad, titled “Our girls,” Roys, 38, recounts meeting a mother, whose daughter was exposed to BPA, and the “incredible” moment when Wisconsin became one of the very first states to ban BPA.

However, Roys told the HuffPost, the controversial scene was not planned.

“Anybody who’s ever had a baby can tell you that they are unpredictable,” Roys said, according to the HuffPost. “I just did what I have been trained by her to do, which is to immediately grab her and feed her, and I just sort of didn’t think about it.”

“When they sent back the video and it was in there, I just said, ’What the heck, this is real life,’” she added. “I think, in 2018, people are hungry for candidates who are authentic and speak the truth. I don’t want to have to hide a really important part of myself in order to win an election.”

Despite drawing criticism, neither candidate is backing down - likely won’t be the last ad that features a female candidate proudly nursing their child.

Vignarajah told ABC News the ad is about the importance of diversity and representation.

However, if people pay attention to this issue because "a mom is emphasizing being a mom, all the better."