'Practically Impossible' for Republicans to Rescind Trump Nomination, Experts Say

Trump has vowed to stay in the race.

If a candidate does resign, the RNC committee members convene, and each state votes proportionally to the number of delegates it was awarded during the primary.

The simplest scenario in this case is if Trump voluntarily withdraws, which several congressmen and prominent Republicans have urged him to do. However, Trump has vowed repeatedly to stay in the race.

Removing Trump from the ticket is made more complicated by the fact that early voting has already begun in several states, and a majority of ballots have been printed. But these issues can be resolved. Ballot access expert Richard Winger told ABC News there is precedent for reprinting ballots late in an election season. And if ballots aren't reprinted, voters could go to the polls with the understanding that though they are voting for Trump on the ballot, they are really voting for another person who's hypothetically replaced him.

Another roadblock is that many state laws set deadlines for the parties to certify their nominees and that deadline -- which varies state to state -- has almost certainly passed in the vast majority of states since it's typically either or between 90 and 60 days before election day, said Professor Richard Briffault, Columbia University.

The situation becomes trickier if the RNC wants Trump to resign, but he refuses.

"The RNC cannot remove a duly nominated candidate for president. It can only fill a vacancy," said Jan Baran, head of the Election Law and Government Ethics group at Wiley Rein LLP.

Similarly, Briffault told ABC News, "My best reading of the relevant rule of the RNC -- Rule No. 9 -- is that he cannot be removed."

But Nathaniel Persily, a law professor at Stanford University and an expert in election law, told ABC News the use of the word "otherwise" can help shape a legal argument for forcibly removing Trump from the ticket, but added that it's a highly unlikely - and unprecedented - scenario, and would pose significant political and legal hurdles.

"It is most likely a no, but you can foresee arguments that can be made," Persily told ABC News.