ABC News Interview With President Obama: Your Questions

George Stephanopoulos exclusive from the White House

Oct. 3, 2011 — -- If you had a chance to interview President Obama, what would you ask him?

ABC's George Stephanopoulos, in coordination with Yahoo, sat down today for an exclusive interview with the president at the White House.

Some of the interview naturally was on the president's handling of the economy, his jobs plan and whether he thinks he can turn his political prospects around ahead of next year's presidential election.

But what did you want to know? This afternoon, Stephanopoulos was able to pose questions from the audience directly to the president.

Click Here for Details: Obama Calls Himself Underdog in 2012 Election

Some 40,000 Yahoo! readers submitted their questions for the president. Here are some of the highlights:

Mr. President: You have a young family. Do you see your daughters inheriting a troubled America, with less opportunity for its citizens? Are we becoming less compassionate as a nation? --Maureen, Rhode Island

When will you recognize and have an open dialogue with the Occupy Wall Street movement? --Sunny B.

Mr. President, I phone banked, went door to door and used my Facebook page to campaign for you in 2008 and have become disenchanted with the change promised to us during your run for presidency. Why should I vote for you in 2012? --Philipp C.

Historically, presidents with high unemployment are seldom re-elected. Given your stated views on how extremely damaging the conservative agenda is, have you considered stepping aside in favor of another Democrat for the good of the country to prevent a Republican from being elected? --Matthew M.

Do you feel confident that your decisions as president have been good ones? Or is there anything you would change if you are voted back into office? --Cara Marks

President Obama, With Washington being at it's most gridlocked and uncooperative in recent history; how are we to trust that if re-elected that you will be able to work through this continued political discord? --Sheila

Why does America continue to give foreign aid to other countries, when America is so close to bankruptcy itself ? How can America help if America can't help itself ? --Robert

What has been the best piece of advice your wife has given you thus far in your presidency? -- Lenny

My husband and I are helping one child through college now and we have a senior in high school that will be starting college next fall. I am self-employed and my husband is a laborer. My business has taken a huge loss and my husband of course hasn't received a raise. We drive vehicles with 100,000 - 145,000 miles on them and every day I pray that they will both start. How do people like us feel the confidence in our economy to purchase a new vehicle? I am terrified to take a loan and have my husband get laid off and my business get worse. It's so hard to make the purchase even though we know that's what helps our economy recover. --Melanie

After all your promises, why is it I'm still unemployed? Is the economy still that bad, companies just not hiring people my age (late 40's) or a bit of both? Hard to feel anything good about the government or country if I can't even make an honest living in it. --Brian

With our economy going down hill and unemployment going sky high, why doesn't the President show his "good faith" in our country by taking a 10% pay cut himself and his cabinet doing the same. Using this money to help the unemployed, the homeless and to stimulate the economy? --Sherry

When President Obama was campaigning in 2008 he promised his slogans were "Change we can believe in" and "Yes, we can". Most people felt those slogans helped him win the election as we were ready for change. Does the president believe he has lived up to both his campaign slogans? If he believes he has, give specific examples of how he has? --Laura H