President Obama Cautions Florida Voters Against Turning Into 'Usain Bolt'

The president is making his second trip to Florida for Clinton in just 8 days.

“This has been a volatile race. It's been a volatile election. Folks are in a volatile mood,” Obama said. “And you know the media stories go up and down, and there's a lot of noise and sometimes it's hard for folks to sort out what's right and wrong, what's true, what's false, which is why the other guy can just say what he wants.”

“I want you to run through the tape,” Obama said. “I don't want you to do an Usain Bolt and look back, all smiling, because politics isn't like track and field.”

Obama used the rally to voice his support for Florida Senate candidate Patrick Murphy, who is in a tight race with Sen. Marco Rubio in the state. The president took direct aim at Rubio over his continued support for Donald Trump.

“You can’t support somebody who brags about assaulting women," Obama said.

Hitting a theme common in many of his rallies and interviews, Obama again hit Trump for what he says is his lack of willingness to "do the homework" required to be president.

“You don’t want the slacker as your president," Obama said. "You want somebody who works hard and is actually gonna do the job.”