All of President Trump's 'cookies': 'smart,' 'tough' and even 'dishonest'

Trump likes to use “cookie” when describing people.

And depending on what mood he's in, it may even be a combination, such as "warm, smart [and] tough."

Much like the nicknames that George W. Bush was famous for during his presidency, Trump appears to be fond of applying the moniker "cookie" with various descriptors to world leaders and others.

Trump raised some eyebrows when he called North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un a "pretty smart cookie" in an interview with CBS News.

“I can tell you this, and a lot of people don’t like when I say it, but he was a young man of 26 or 27 when he took over from his father, when his father died. He’s dealing with obviously very tough people,” Trump said in the interview.

“A lot of people, I’m sure, tried to take that power away, whether it was his uncle or anybody else. And he was able to do it,” Trump added. “So obviously, he’s a pretty smart cookie.”

The phrase "smart cookie" along with "tough cookie" was Trump's go-to description during the campaign.

"Putin, pretty tough cookie, right?" Trump said to the crowd of supporters gathered at Burlington, Iowa for a October 2015 rally.

"And I think people are maybe a little surprised because I can be a tough cookie," Trump said during a MSNBC interview in October 2015.

Here's what Trump said about:

Politicians ("dishonest cookies": "Oh that voter fraud, you know these politicians are brutal. They’re brutal. They are brutal. They are a bunch of dishonest cookies, I gotta tell you." (Feb. 3, 2016, Little Rock, Arkansas)

Rally-goer in Ohio ("rough-looking cookie"): "Look at this guy. And I do love him. He's a rough-looking cookie though. I'll tell you. We love -- we have a lot of love. Believe me." (Dec. 1, 2016, Cincinnati, Ohio)

And that's the way the cookie crumbles.