Trump says he'll decide on Paris climate agreement next week

Trump is deciding whether the U.S. should stay in the climate deal.

“There is one open question, which is the U.S. position on the Paris climate accords. … All others have confirmed their total agreement on the accord,” Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said. “We are sure that after an internal reflection, the United States will also want to commit to it.”

In addition to getting pushed on the topic at the G7 summit, the president also got an earful at the Vatican, where the pope presented the president with one of his writings on the environment and the Cardinal secretary of state further raised the issue during a bilateral meeting.

Though the president has yet to make a final decision, his chief economic adviser, Gary Cohn, indicated Friday that the president was growing more attuned to the European stance on the issue.

"I think he is leaning to understand the European position,” Cohn said when asked which way the president was leaning. “Look, as you know from the U.S., there's very strong views on both sides.”

Cohn told reporters the president's views on the Paris climate agreement are “evolving.”

“He came here to learn,” Cohn said at the G7 summit. “So his views are evolving, which is exactly what they should be.”