President Has One Word for a Possible Michelle Obama Presidential Run

The president makes his second stop on the post-State of the Union tour.

As he pushed the familiar themes heard in his State of the Union on criminal justice, education and voting reform, one audience question yielded a direct, and fairly stern, answer from Obama.

“Mr. President, since you can’t run again for another term,” a town-hall attendee began. “Is there any way that we as a group can talk the first lady into running?”

“No!” Obama immediately shot back. “Let me tell you, there are three things that are certain in life: Death. Taxes. And Michelle is not running for president; that I can tell you.”

The lighthearted exchange got some roaring laughs from the crowd at McKinley Senior High School, as the president continued saying that while he has certainly aged in his past seven years as president, his wife’s appearance hasn’t changed.

“We found the old video from our wedding, and we’ve been married 23 years now,” Obama said. “I looked like a teenage; Michelle, she looks identical!”