Kellyanne Conway on Trump: 'I didn't say I endorsed his attacks'

Conway said she endorses "the president's right to fight back."

"I endorse the president’s right to fight back when he is being mercilessly attacked and when the airwaves are filled with raw sewage about him and his fitness for office," she said.

First lady Melania Trump is standing by her husband's tweets. In a statement to ABC News on Thursday, the first lady's spokesperson Stephanie Grisham said: "As the first lady has stated publicly in the past, when her husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder."

In the interview on "GMA" this morning, Conway accused the press of covering attacks against Trump's "physical and mental states on national television every day" rather than "connecting Americans with information they need" about health care and other policy reform.

"Bottom line, I endorse his ability to connect on social media with Americans and I endorse, as the first lady has said, him firing back when he is being mercilessly attacked," Conway said. "The good I hope comes out of this is that we change the conversation; that respect for the office of the president and its current occupant are intact and that we have a full conversation on policy."