Presidents Day: One Family’s Tradition You Have to See to Believe

The Jensen family has a creative way of honoring Presidents Day.

But these are no ordinary greetings.

So, instead for Presidents Day they mailed out a card with Matilda dressed as George Washington and Franny as a bearded Abraham Lincoln.

"People have really embraced it and look forward to it," Marisa Jensen said in an interview with ABC News.

This year Franny and Matilda applied their own makeup and facial hair to become America’s 21st president, Chester Arthur and eighth president, Martin Van Buren, sideburns and all.

"It gets harder to guess them," said Marisa Jensen, who acknowledged that friends and family had difficulty identifying President Arthur.

Although each photo shoot may only take a day, preparations are much more time-consuming. In a collaborative effort, the family decides together which presidents the girls will impersonate. They keep an eye open for supplies, shopping at thrift stores for some of the costumes and props.

"Neither of them are particularly politically bent or driven, they appreciate the general tone of D.C.," Marisa Jensen said.

Jensen wouldn't offer any hints about whom the girls plan on dressing up as next year, but Jensen does have an idea for a future card.

"It would really – fingers crossed – be great if Hillary won, even if that's our last card, that we go out that way," she said.