New Pro–Donald Trump SuperPAC Out With Attack Ad Hitting Hillary Clinton

Ad is titled "Hillary Clinton: More of the Same."

"We turned over everything," Hillary Clinton says in the ad. "I did not send classified material, and I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified."

Bill Clinton says in the commercial that he "never told anybody to lie" and that "these allegations are false." He famously said at that press conference, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman," but that quote is not used in the ad.

It ends with text reading, "Same old, same old, same old, same old typical politician."

Ken McKay, a former Trump adviser now with the superPAC, tells ABC News that the group's goal is to match the spending of Hillary Clinton's superPAC, Priorities USA. (Priorities USA has $136 million reserved.)

His group is doing research and will decide whether to run the ad in battleground states where Priorities USA is on the air — including Virginia, Florida and Ohio — as well as Colorado, McKay says, and the ad will begin airing nationally this week.