Pro-Kasich Super PAC Spending $2.5M to Attack Trump

A super PAC said it would spend $2.5 million to "stand up to Donald Trump."

“There’s a growing consensus amongst our donors and frankly other donors that someone has to stand up to Donald Trump, someone has to put a paid effort behind this,” said the New Day for America strategist, Matt David.

Aside from the large sum devoted to advertising, what distinguishes this campaign from previous attacks on Trump is that it will avoid going after his bankruptcies, his privileged upbringing or his past support of liberal policies, according to David.

Instead, the group will try to "accelerate the buyer’s remorse that voters would have if they elected Donald Trump,” David said.

After news emerged about New Day for America’s plan, Trump unloaded on Kasich, who has been struggling in the polls, in a dozen scathing tweets.

When asked about Trump’s anti-Kasich tweets, a spokesman for Kasich’s campaign, Rob Nichols, told ABC News: "This is hilarious to watch. No one loses it that bad unless, for some reason, they're feeling very insecure.”

New Day for America said it had already spent $11.5 million on television advertising on New Hampshire- and Boston-area media from the summer through the Granite State's primary in early February. This campaign will take $600,000 from that existing buy and add $1.9 million more, approximately 70 percent of which will go to television advertisements and the rest of which will be spread across radio, digital and mail advertising, David said.

Kasich’s chief strategist, John Weaver, sent an email to Kasich supporters late tonight soliciting donations “to help us push back” against what he called Trump’s "epic twitter rant."