Rand Paul Wants to Cut Nation's Credit Card

Sen. Rand Paul is rolling out a new campaign to cut the nation's spending.

The Paul campaign is releasing a series of web-only videos that decry federal overspending – the first two note that the government spends $180,000 a year studying the effect of cocaine on the sexual habits of Japanese quail (which the fact-checking site Politifact notes is actually part of a study on human sexuality).

“Washington has an addiction. They spend more than they have!” Paul exclaims in a voice-over, while punk-sounding music plays in the background. “I have a revolutionary idea. Instead of running up their debt, let’s stop. Let’s cut off their credit card.”

The “Cut Their Card campaign” also features a pop-up visual of a hand cutting a credit card in half, which will feature at all upcoming campaign events, and will encourage supporters to use the hashtag “#CutTheirCard.”

The Paul campaign is also directing viewers to www.cuttheircard.com, which currently features a Paul quote and picture and redirects visitors to a campaign donation page.

“With the debt ceiling deadline looming, this will be a major topic of discussion at each of the senator's campaign stops. This is especially relevant to college students looking to join the work force,” campaign spokeswoman Eleanor May said in a statement.