How Rand Paul Supporters Provided Awkward Backdrop for Ted Cruz’s 2016 Announcement

They provided an awkward backdrop to the event.

He even went to the trouble of practicing everything from his wave to a kiss with his wife on Sunday.

Several students wearing “Stand With Rand” shirts made their way into seats directly behind Cruz on stage this morning. The students' shirts were blurry yet visible in many of the shots during Cruz’s speech.

The “Stand With Rand” campaign was launched by Sen. Rand Paul’s team during his filibuster of U.S. drone policy in the spring of 2013. Paul’s filibuster lasted 13 hours and was the longest in recent memory. That is, until Cruz stood on the Senate floor for more than 21 hours to discuss defunding Obamacare in September of the same year.

Paul is still in the exploratory phase of his campaign, but reports say he could officially declare his candidacy early next month.