How to register to vote in Texas
What you need to know to register to vote in Texas for Election Day.
August 17, 2020, 4:00 AM ET
• 1 min read
Voter Registration Deadline: October 5, 2020
To register to vote in the state of Texas, an individual must meet the following qualifications:
You are a United States citizenYou are a resident of the county where you submit the applicationYou are at least 17 years and 10 months old, and you are 18 years of age on Election DayYou are not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation, and parole)You have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to voteHow to register to vote in Texas:
Print and mail this registration form.Request paper registration be mailed to you. You can also pick up a registration from libraries, government offices, or high schools.Register in person at your county Voter Registrar’s office.Click here for more information on registering to vote in Texas.Check if you're registered to vote here.