Republican senator 'very disappointed' in Trump's actions on health care

She also said Bannon's declaring war on GOP establishment is "not helpful."

Collins said Congress needs to "step in" to reform health care in a more comprehensive way.

"But Congress needs to step in and I hope the president will take a look at what we're doing," she said.

Collins said Bannon's comments are "not helpful or appropriate."

"Mr. Bannon has the right to support whomever he wants to support. But I think his rhetoric is exactly what the American people are tired of," Collins said. "They don't want this hyperpartisanship. They want us to work together. And they want us to get things done."

“They want us to work across the aisle. They want us to work with the president. And Mr. Bannon's over-the-top rhetoric is not helpful,” she added.

Collins announced Friday that she has decided not to run for governor of her state as she believes she can do more for her state by staying in Washington.
