Republicans who vote against health care bill could 'pay a price,' Spicer warns

The House will be voting on the bill Thursday.

"I think there's going to be a price to be paid,” Spicer said to ABC News' Jon Karl at today's White House press briefing.

"It will be with their own voters. They'll have to go back and explain why they made a commitment to them and then didn't follow through," Spicer said.

Asked if the president would consider campaigning against those who oppose the American Health Care Act, Spicer didn’t rule it out.

"Let's get through the vote," Spicer said. "One of the things that we made clear this morning was that he was going to make sure the people who did support this, he would be out there supporting them."

The House is scheduled to vote on the bill Thursday.

During the meeting, Trump appeared to make a similar veiled threat to lawmakers.