Rev. Billy Graham honored at US Capitol building

He was a faith leader who once ministered to the powerful.

Among those Americans positively impacted by Graham’s ministry, Trump said, was his own late father Fred Trump.

“Americans came in droves to hear that great young preacher. Fred Trump was a big fan. Fred trump was my father,” Trump said, recalling the time that he went with his father to see Graham preach at Yankee Stadium.

“My father said to me, come on son, and by the way, he said come on mom, let’s go see Billy graham at Yankee stadium. It was something very special,” Trump said.

House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also participated in the remembrance ceremony.

“Here lies America’s pastor,” Ryan, R-Wisconsin, said. “A made great not by who he was but by who he served.”

“We give thanks to God for the life and work of this humble servant - now and forever,” Ryan said.

Graham, an internationally famous Christian evangelist, died a week ago. He was 99.

Graham’s family escorted his remains from the East Front of the Capitol into the Rotunda shortly before 11 a.m., where his casket was placed upon the Lincoln Catafalque.

His casket will remain in the building's Rotunda on Wednesday, just the fourth individual to lie in honor there.

Scores of people — including members of Congress clad in dark mourning colors — are expected to file past and pay their final respects to Graham. The Rotunda will be open for public viewing from 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. Graham’s remains will depart the Capitol on Thursday morning.

A funeral is planned for Friday in North Carolina.