Rich Lowry: Trump Chances to Win Nomination Might Be 50/50 With Iowa Win

5 questions with the editor of the National Review

1. How likely do you think it is that Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for president? We should mention you have tussled with him on Twitter.

Lowry: Yeah, I don't think I'll be invited to stay in the Lincoln Bedroom during a Trump administration.

If Trump wins Iowa, watch out. I doubt he will, because it isn't his natural terrain, but he could if the field fractures in the right way. He wins there, then he has some significant odds of winning the nomination -- might be a 50/50 proposition at that point.

Lowry: There's a path, but a treacherous one. The first step is getting better in the debates. If he has another debate like the last one, he might risk falling into asterisk-territory.

Lowry: The media is in a full lather about little or nothing. The controversy will help Carson.

Lowry: We will endeavor to be tough and fair with everyone.