Rick Santorum Says GOP Debate Rules ‘Arbitrary’

Rick Santorum said early national polls don't predict electoral success.

Santorum is polling low nationally and is not expected to gain entry to the first Republican debate on Thursday, according to an ABC News analysis.

“We’re proud of the fact that everyone running is going to have an opportunity,” Priebus said on “This Week” Sunday. “And the reality is, and it might be a little harsh, but you can’t necessarily treat someone that’s polling at 18 or 20 percent the same as someone that’s polling at a half a percent or 1 percent.”

“National polls mean nothing,” he said. “It’s just an arbitrary figure. And unfortunately the networks and the RNC have gone along with this irrelevant legitimacy of candidacy and then have the ability to influence who is in the top ten by the amount of coverage they get and the amount of advertising dollars.”