The road to repealing and replacing Obamacare

In the House alone, the process is expected to take at least three weeks.

“I appreciate the fact that we’ve been here now almost 24 hours, so tempers are probably fraying a little, and we’re all a little tired,” Chairman Greg Walden, R-Ore., admitted, urging his committee to move past a disagreement this morning.

Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., observed, “The debate about health care and how this legislation is going to affect [Americans] has been the debate for 24 hours.”

The hearing continued, ending after nearly 27 hours.

The Ways and Means Committee, the other House committee with jurisdiction over the legislation, finished its own extensive debate after 4 a.m.

While Democrats have worked overtime to frustrate the legislation’s progress, they appear powerless so far to block its advancement. That privilege will fall to conservatives.

Winning over conservatives

Our family had dinner w the President & First Lady, who were warm & gracious. Catherine brought Joe--her kindergarten class stuffed giraffe!

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 9, 2017,

Back to work on the Hill today, meeting with @SenPatRoberts on the #AmericanHealthCareAct.

— Vice President Pence (@VP) March 9, 2017

What is reconciliation?

But the so-called Byrd rule mandates that every provision in a reconciliation bill must have a direct impact on mandatory spending or revenue. In other words, everything must pertain to spending money, like issuing tax credits or changing health savings accounts, or to revising revenue streams, like cutting taxes.

While Trump and many Republicans want to remove regulatory barriers, such as to selling health insurance across state lines, that would not have a direct budgetary impact, so that may not be part of reconciliation.

What happens next in the House?

Now that the two committees have completed their work, they will report their bills to the House Budget Committee, according to House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., where the two measures will face another markup to bind the bills into a single document.

Reconciliation rules prevent Budget Committee members from offering amendments to change policy in the bill. They may make only technical changes, like inserting commas and fixing typos.

Soon after that, McCarthy anticipates the full House will consider the legislation, but he won’t proceed without a confident count of the votes necessary to pass the bill: at least 216 (down from the usual 218 because five seats are vacant).

The Budget Committee will then send its product to the House Rules Committee, where Republican leaders are likely to block further amendments if they have the votes to pass the reconciled legislation. It’s possible the legislation could come to the floor under a modified rule to accept a limited amount of amendments, intended to help it cross the finish line.

When will the Senate act?

If the Senate makes any changes to the House bill, that would punt the bill back to the lower chamber for another vote.

But without any changes, Trump could sign the legislation into law before the White House Easter Egg Roll on April 17.

Our family had dinner w the President & First Lady, who were warm & gracious. Catherine brought Joe--her kindergarten class stuffed giraffe!

Back to work on the Hill today, meeting with @SenPatRoberts on the #AmericanHealthCareAct.

What is reconciliation?

But the so-called Byrd rule mandates that every provision in a reconciliation bill must have a direct impact on mandatory spending or revenue. In other words, everything must pertain to spending money, like issuing tax credits or changing health savings accounts, or to revising revenue streams, like cutting taxes.

While Trump and many Republicans want to remove regulatory barriers, such as to selling health insurance across state lines, that would not have a direct budgetary impact, so that may not be part of reconciliation.

What happens next in the House?

Now that the two committees have completed their work, they will report their bills to the House Budget Committee, according to House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., where the two measures will face another markup to bind the bills into a single document.

Reconciliation rules prevent Budget Committee members from offering amendments to change policy in the bill. They may make only technical changes, like inserting commas and fixing typos.

Soon after that, McCarthy anticipates the full House will consider the legislation, but he won’t proceed without a confident count of the votes necessary to pass the bill: at least 216 (down from the usual 218 because five seats are vacant).

The Budget Committee will then send its product to the House Rules Committee, where Republican leaders are likely to block further amendments if they have the votes to pass the reconciled legislation. It’s possible the legislation could come to the floor under a modified rule to accept a limited amount of amendments, intended to help it cross the finish line.

When will the Senate act?

If the Senate makes any changes to the House bill, that would punt the bill back to the lower chamber for another vote.

But without any changes, Trump could sign the legislation into law before the White House Easter Egg Roll on April 17.

What happens next in the House?

Now that the two committees have completed their work, they will report their bills to the House Budget Committee, according to House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., where the two measures will face another markup to bind the bills into a single document.

Reconciliation rules prevent Budget Committee members from offering amendments to change policy in the bill. They may make only technical changes, like inserting commas and fixing typos.

Soon after that, McCarthy anticipates the full House will consider the legislation, but he won’t proceed without a confident count of the votes necessary to pass the bill: at least 216 (down from the usual 218 because five seats are vacant).

The Budget Committee will then send its product to the House Rules Committee, where Republican leaders are likely to block further amendments if they have the votes to pass the reconciled legislation. It’s possible the legislation could come to the floor under a modified rule to accept a limited amount of amendments, intended to help it cross the finish line.

When will the Senate act?

If the Senate makes any changes to the House bill, that would punt the bill back to the lower chamber for another vote.

But without any changes, Trump could sign the legislation into law before the White House Easter Egg Roll on April 17.