Roger Stone to testify in House investigation into Russia’s election meddling

The longtime Trump associate will testify in closed-door session.

Stone's scheduled appearance before the committee, which is investigating Russia's interference in the U.S. election in 2016 and possible ties to Trump associates, was first reported by Politico.

"Roger Stone has been maligned by innuendo and misinformation regarding all of the events surrounding this investigation," an attorney for Stone said in a statement. "Roger looks forward to using his time in front of the committee to set the record straight and providing a timeline based only on fact that will clearly establish that those on the committee who have misrepresented the facts regarding his involvement, did so based on false information and incorrect assumptions. I know my client looks forward to his testimony."

Stone has strongly denied any notion that he or others in the Trump campaign may have colluded with Russia in its interference in the election.

Stephanopoulos asked Stone about a tweet he sent on Aug. 21, which read, “Trust me, it will soon be Podesta’s time in the barrel.”

“That was your tweet,” Stephanopoulos said to Stone. “And two months later the emails came out.”

“Correct,” Stone said. But, he said his tweet made no mention of Podesta’s emails. Stone insisted he was referring to Podesta’s business dealings.