Rosenstein told Trump he's not a target of investigation of his personal lawyer: Sources

The deputy AG told Trump he's not a target of the Cohen probe, sources said.

Rosenstein on his own brought up the probe of Cohen to the president during that meeting, sources said.

However, on Wednesday, Trump seemed to take a different tack, responding to a reporter’s question about the fate of the three officials by saying “they're still here.”

“They’ve been saying I’m going to get rid of them for the last three months, four months, five months,” Trump said while in Florida. “And they’re still here. We want to get the investigation over with, done with, put it behind us. And we have to get back to business.”

Trump's legal team last met with Mueller's office about a potential Trump interview on the same day as the Cohen raid.

The former New York City mayor and federal prosecutor says his job is to help Mueller get “what he needs to wrap it up” and to “try to negotiate a way to get this over with."

Giuliani's joining comes after the Trump team searched for several weeks to fill a void left by the abrupt departure of the president's lead attorney, John Dowd. Dowd quit in part because he felt the President was taking less of his advice, sources told ABC News.

ABC News' Jack Date and Jordyn Phelps contributed to this report.