Rupert Murdoch Apologizes for 'Real Black President' Tweet

The media mogul's praise of 2016 candidate Ben Carson creates a stir.

The media mogul had tweeted Wednesday: “Ben and Candy Carson terrific. What about a real black President who can properly address the racial divide? And much else."

His comments generated widespread criticism across the Internet after implying a comparison to President Obama.

But Murdoch, 84, tweeted an apology this morning, clarifying that he finds Obama and Carson both “charming.”

“Apologies! No offence meant. Personally find both men charming," the Australian-born business magnate said.

The Carson campaign says it has no problems with Murdoch’s original tweet.

“We are certainly pleased to see that an astute political observer such as Mr. Murdoch is taking note of Dr. Carson (and Mrs. Carson), his message and his campaign,” it said.

The widely denounced tweet was the latest in a string of tweets praising the candidate, with Murdoch tweeting last week “everywhere pundits keep underestimating Ben Carson. But public understand humility as admirable, listen to the multi-faceted strong message.”