Sarah Palin Blasts Obama's Handling of Egypt

Palin says 3 a.m. crisis call must have gone "right to the answering machine."

Feb 6, 2011 — -- Sarah Palin blasted the Obama administration's handling of the Egypt crisis on Saturday in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network.

"This is that 3 a.m. White House phone call, and it seems for many of us trying to get that information from our leader in the White House, it seems that that call went right to the answering machine."

Palin's reference to a 3 a.m. phone call referred to the 2008 bruising primary battle between now-President Obama and now-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over responsiveness to unexpected foreign policy crises.

In the CBN interview, which was conducted Friday immediately following Palin's speech in honor of President Ronald Reagan's 100 birthday but aired Saturday night, the former Alaska governor questioned who might lead Egypt after President Hosni Mubarak if he were to resign.

"Is it going to be the Muslim Brotherhood," Palin asked. "We should not stand for that, or with that, or by that. Any radical Islamists. No, that is not who we should be supporting and standing by ... we need to find out who was behind all of the turmoil and the revolt and the protests so that good decisions can be made in terms of who we will stand by and support."

Palin suggested in the interview that the Obama Administration is keeping such information from the American public.

"Nobody yet has explained to the American people what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know, who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and I'm not real enthused about what it is that, that's being done on a national level and from D.C. in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt.

"And in these areas that are so volatile right now because obviously it's not just Egypt but the other countries too where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House."

Palin is one of several potential candidates for the Republican 2012 primary who have criticized the White House's handling of the Egypt situation, although Republican leadership from Congress have been more supportive of the policy thus far.

On the Media, Faith and the 2012 Race

Egypt was not the only topic discussed in the CBN interview, according to a partial transcript released by the network.

When asked what she might do differently if she were to run for the Presidency, Palin said, "I would continue on the same course of not really caring what other people say about me or worrying about the things that they make up, but having that thick skin and a steel spine, knowing that what is needed in America are those things that Ronald Reagan did espouse and what he lived."

Palin expressed surprise at the reaction to her decision not to turn down the coveted keynote speaker position at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington next week. She said she simply did not have time, but she encouraged political debate in general.

"What it is that you're suggesting in the question is should the GOP, should conservatives not reach out to others, not participate in events or forums that perhaps are rising within those forums are issues that maybe we don't personally agree with? And I say no, it's like you being on a panel shoot, with a bunch of the liberal folks whom you have been on and you provide good information and balance, and you allow for healthy debate, which is needed in order for people to gather information and make up their own minds about issues.

Palin also criticized the media in general, saying it is becoming irrelevant, she said because of a lack of balance in reporting.

"I want to help 'em. ... I have a journalism degree, that is what I studied. I understand that this cornerstone of our democracy is a free press, is sound journalism. I want to help them build back their reputation. And allow Americans to be able to trust what it is they are reporting."

During the interview, Palin discussed the importance of her faith and commitment to reading from the Bible daily.

"Time is our most precious resource. How we choose to spend time I think is a reflection on what's most important to us. I am going to read my Bible every day. I am going to dig in there and seek God's wisdom and direction in every step that I take so I prioritize time to make sure that daily devotion is available."