These Senate Democrats Seen as Possible Supreme Court Nominee

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand among those drawing court watchers' attention.

While Senate Republicans want Obama's successor to fill Scalia's seat, some pundits have speculated that GOP senators would have a tougher time rejecting another member of the upper chamber, even one from across the aisle.

Here's a look at the possibilities:

Gillibrand, a graduate of Dartmouth College and the University of California Los Angeles School of Law, worked as an attorney in New York and as a special counsel to the secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Clinton administration before getting elected to Congress. She also served as a law clerk on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. (The judge for whom she clerked there has said she would have made a good judge.)

She's also tamped down Supreme Court speculation in the days after Scalia's death. “I love my job now, and in a time of this tremendous polarization in politics … I think it’s important to have people that are willing to stick with it and stay there,” she said in a moderated discussion at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics Tuesday.

Booker, the 46-year-old former mayor of Newark who joined the Senate in 2013, has the resume of a Supreme Court justice. He's a graduate of Yale Law School, which has fielded the second-most justices in the court's history, according to Time Magazine. (Only Harvard Law School has fielded more.)

In interviews, Hatch, who’ll be 82 next month, has laughed off the suggestion, telling CNN he'd serve 20 years and "have every Democrat praying for my demise."

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